Rate monitor gives students visual feedback | Head-tilt illustrates how to open the airway | Realistic skin resists dirt, grime and grease. ...
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Vigour Med Store
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American CPR Training
[converted from usd currency] https://americancpr.com/prestan-infant-cpr...
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[converted from usd currency] California https://first-aid-store.com/the-prestantm-...
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One Beat Medical
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Nasco Healthcare
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Rate monitor gives students visual feedback | Head-tilt illustrates how to open the airway | Realistic skin resists dirt, grime and grease. | Easy-to-insert face shield lung bag speeds setup of the manikin. | Carry case included
Realistic to the eye and the touch, the Prestan Professional Infant Manikin is unlike any other on the market. Prestan manikins are uniquely designed as a clamshell that accommodates an easy-to-insert lung bag. Prestan's revolutionary new CPR Rate Monitor allows for instant feedback to both instructor and student regarding the rate of chest compression. This allows each student to gauge their rate of compressions on their own as well as allowing the instructor to monitor several students quickly and easily. And with the patented face/head tilt, the Prestan Professional Infant Manikin simulates the way an actual victim's head would move if he required CPR. In addition, the unique construction of our manikins incorporates a mechanism to help them use the correct force to compress the chest to the correct depth.
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